No longer control the controller.
Now control the game!

Racing gaming setup accessories for ps5 controller grips. The closest you’ll get to a racing wheel rig using a gaming controller. With superior control, a lighter touch and smooth transition from apex to apex and throttle to break. Perfect for any gaming setup. Also great for disability gaming and any console game where thumb security, a lighter touch and improved accuracy is key.
Racer games controller Playstation attachment for Gran Tourismo, F1, adaptive games or any games. With a wheel and pedal for supreme control, and improved lap times.
Racer gaming setup accessories, Xbox controller attachment for Forza, racing games and adaptive games or any games. With a wheel and pedal for greater control, and dominating the track.
Racer gaming setup accessories Nintendo Switch attachment for Mario Kart, racing games, adaptive games or any games. With a wheel and pedal for incredible control, and improved comfort.

I am not even joking! I was at the bottom of my group leader board! First go and I'm now 1st... this is amazing!...


I just took 5 seconds off my best lap around Brands in my Audi R8


68% of product testers responses say the Racer Kit improves performance by 10% or over.



The racing accessories for your controller

The closest you’ll get to a racing wheel sim rig using a gaming controller customisation, with superior control, a lighter touch and smooth transition from apex to apex and throttle to break.

Perfect for any gaming setup. Also great for disability gaming and any console game where thumb stick thumb security, a lighter touch and improved accuracy is key.

Add Knuckles for a Combi kit discount and get your controller set up for only £25

Regular price £15.00
Unit price  per 

Free UK Shipping

Knuckles X 2


Play your game your way

Thumb Soldiers' innovative Knuckles are the base docking clip to use the Soldier attachments on your controller.

They simply & easily wrap and lock around your controller thumb stick, with no tools & no disassembly required.

Providing twist lock docking for all Soldiers, these give security & stability during all gaming sessions.

*Knuckles vary for each console to ensure the best possible fit.

For a Switch Pro controller please select the PS4/5 Knuckles

Not suitable for Switch OLED

*Knuckles vary for each console to ensure the best possible fit.

set required per controller