We were lucky enough to have two wonderful articles written by Daibhi after playing with a selection of the Thumb Soldiers kits. The links will take you to the full articles on GamerHub, but we've also included a few snippets to give you a feel below and with a Conclusion...
Article link: THUMB SOLDIERS’ THUMBSTICK TOPS A common modification people make to game controllers is to add thumbstick extenders. This is normally to improve reach or comfort. Something that has often afflicted these extenders is how easily they can come off by accident. The “Thumb Soldiers” range addresses this issue with...
Wonderful article highlighting Thumb Soldiers to their Living with Disability magazine readers Game Changer for Video Gamers (livingwithdisability.org): A new range of accessories that make gaming controllers easier to use for players with a range of disabilities has been launched. Thumb Soldiers is an innovative, low-cost range of interchangeable thumb stick...
New review by Galadrius The Mighty for GAMERHUB has just dropped giving us 4 out of 5 "I had a good time with these accessories. They’re easy to use, simple to put into place and provide better gameplay options." The full review can be found here: Thumb Soldiers Accessories Review...
Thanks to @Kal-Grayskull for stopping by the stand at last weekend's Monopoly Event show. He's shared his video of the Thumb Soldiers kit being showcased on his YouTube channel - Tutorial on Thumb Soldiers Kit (YouTube Link) "The Thumb Soldiers show a workable system of different gaming control stick attachments to upgrade the accuracy and...
Giving Craig a helping hand with his gaming | SpecialEffect We are so pleased to see how Thumb Soldiers Ltd are helping Craig enjoy a new level of gaming. See Craigs story and how the SpecialEffect team created a controller setup that’s freed him from the challenge of one-handed play....