Here at Thumb Soldiers, we believe that video games should be for everyone, regardless of ability or which console you play on. But traditional controls and certain game mechanics can often create barriers on a range of platforms, including Xbox and PlayStation. 

We’ve compiled some practical tips to help you get the most from your favourite PlayStation and Xbox games with a disability. Whether you want to get that platinum trophy in The Last of Us Part II or need help hitting targets in Halo Infinite, we’re here to make gaming more accessible on your chosen platform. 

#1 Explore — and make use of — each game’s baked-in accessibility options 

While there's still a long way to go, games are now more accessible than ever. This is in no small part due to a push from developers to implement accessibility settings in their games. 

Top settings to look out for: 

  • Visual adjustments: colourblind modes, enlarged UI, and high-contrast settings can assist players with visual impairments.

  • Motor accessibility: toggle options for reduced input speed or single-button presses to replace QTEs.

  • Audio enhancements: subtitle customisation and directional audio cues can help players who are hard of hearing.

Many PlayStation and Xbox games have these in-game accessibility options. For example, The Last of Us Part I remake has an industry-leading array of accessibility options, with audio cues, cinematic narration of cutscenes and much more

#2 Seek out games with forward-thinking difficulty sliders

Difficulty options are there for a reason, and a very simple way to ensure you encounter less friction is to tweak them to your liking. If combat is something you struggle with, many games have an easy setting that reduces the health and damage of enemies, while making you more lethal. Keep an eye out for any setting labelled ‘Story mode’, as this usually denotes an easy, carefree experience. Here’s a couple of examples that take it even further. 


Tunic, a lovely little Zelda-inspired action adventure game, has a ‘No-Fail’ mode, which makes you invincible in combat encounters. With this enabled, you’re free to enjoy the full game without running into any insurmountable difficulty spikes. 


A good middle ground is the blistering roguelike Hades, available on both Xbox and PlayStation. Enabling ‘God Mode’ gives you a 20% reduction in damage taken, and every time you die, this goes up by 2%, capping out at 80%. This is a great way to settle on a difficulty that feels tailored to your skill level, while still retaining challenge. 

#3 Utilise online communities and resources for support and guidance 

The internet, for all its faults, can be a powerful tool for fostering community, and this is evident in the various resources available for differently abled gamers. Brilliant sites like Special Effect and Able Gamers are charities that provide support for gamers with disabilities, with a view to making gaming more accessible than ever. 

Additionally, you can find a number of wonderfully inclusive, helpful online communities. Subreddits like r/disabledgamer offer a kind, supportive atmosphere, sharing their experience with accessible games and assistive tech. 

#4 Consider adaptive thumbsticks for a budget-friendly, instant accessibility boost 

Out of the box, the standard Xbox and PlayStation controllers can pose difficulties for gamers with certain disabilities. The analogue sticks have a small surface area and require constant micro-adjustments, which can be challenging for players with limited dexterity or motor control. 

Adaptive thumbsticks can provide an instant boost in accessibility by improving grip, control or comfort. One example is our ‘Shrooms’ thumbsticks which were built to accommodate those with disabilities like Dyspraxia and Arthritis. The larger surface area makes exploring and interacting with the world much less taxing. 

All you need is the correct Knuckle attachment (a docking clip with options for both Xbox and Playstation thumbsticks) and they’ll clip straight onto your controller. To browse the whole range, click here

Xbox and PlayStation games: more accessible than ever

While there’s still a long way to go, we think the gaming industry is moving in the right direction when it comes to accessibility. Thanks to innovative hardware, developers taking it upon themselves to up their accessibility options and strong online communities, more players than ever can enjoy their favourite Xbox and Playstation games in a way that can suit their needs. 

We hope that the above tips help. If you have any questions about our accessibility-focused adaptive thumbsticks, don’t hesitate to get in touch.